Privacy Policy for Colonial (2023)

These are the collected information and privacy policy of Colonial. Here’s a summary of the key points:

  1. Information Collected:
    • Personal Information: Such as name, email address, phone number, or postal address, collected when you create an account or register for our services.
    • Usage Information: Such as website access data, IP addresses, browser type used, or visited pages. This information is collected automatically when you access our website.
    • Payment Information: If you make purchases or payments for our services, we collect payment information to process transactions.
  2. Use of Information:
    • The collected information is used for:
      • Providing and improving our services, including personalizing the user experience and providing relevant content.
      • Processing payments and managing your account.
      • Communicating with you to provide updates, special offers, or notifications related to our services.
  3. Sharing of Information:
    • We do not sell, rent, or intentionally transfer your personal information to third parties without your consent, except when necessary to provide the requested services or when required by law.
  4. Information Security:
    • We are committed to maintaining the confidentiality and security of your information. We use appropriate measures to protect data against unauthorized access, alteration, or disclosure.
  5. Your Rights:
    • You have the right to access, correct, or delete your personal information. You can also request us to stop processing or using your personal information in certain circumstances.
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